Current positions on Billboard
Check the list below the current positions of the latest single from Selena Gomez & The Scene, Who Says , in all of the Billboard charts in which it is located:
Billboard Hot 100
Current Position: 28 | Previous rank: 25 | Weeks on list: 7 | Peak: 24
Pop Songs
Current Position: 25 | Previous rank: 29 | Weeks on list: 4 | Peak: 25
Digital Songs
Current Position: 20 | Previous rank: 17 | Weeks on list: 7 | Peak: 11
Canadian Hot 100
Current Position: 49 | Previous rank: 48 | Weeks on list: 7 | Peak: 17
AOL Radio
Current Position: 14 | Previous rank: - | Weeks on list: 2 | Peak: 13
Despite having decided on some lists, the song still remains in them for several weeks, which is great! Do not forget to continue making the song all possible ways, such as asking the Brazilian radio ! We are hoping that the song climb the charts over and over.