The MTV American did a story talking about the cover of "Bang Bang Bang" , new song by Selena Gomez & The Scene, check out:
Selena Gomez is the list of our favorite artists in a long time but now it seems it really is to reach the top. Seems like just yesterday she was in the hands with Justin Bieber in Hawaii (oh, wait! Was practically yesterday). And now appears grown, sexy and retro on the cover of her single Bang Bang Bang. "When the time passed?You really are very eager for new music! And the new album!
Selena tweeted a cover photo of her next single on the weekend, and when we saw we were basically like one of those dogs that are in cartoons, eyes popping out and the claws out. You know, the ones that say "Aaaah-ROOOOH-gah!" When they see a pretty girl cartoon? Anyone else done this? Is this weird paragraph that you've read?
Anyway, we're trying to say that Selena Gomez is wonderful, she's at that stage of 18 years "not a girl, not yet a woman." And if you saw my pictures of the first year at university will agree that it is not an easy task. Well done, Ms. Gomez!