CH: Five tricks of style to give a special touch to your look!
Where have those days that we are uninspired to the store and just using the most basic clothes. But with some simple accessories and different ways to wear a piece, we can give it a bit more pro look without much effort, and, to boot, get superfashion! These are called "styling tricks" , but simple ideas that make all the difference in the look! Want to see?

Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Taylor Swift and Olivia PalermoThe belt is one of the key pieces to give an enhanced look at! To give a more current production kinkle bet on, or it over shirts and jackets to make the waist more marked! Your look will be soft and feminine.

Selena Gomez, Blake Lively and Leighton Meester (as Blair Waldorf)Another key piece to give a charm to your look is more in the tissues, they can be used vááárias different ways and in different places too. With rectangular, for example, you can make and use a collar on top of other pieces, as with the larger squares, long skirts, and the smaller squares, hair bands!Tips: Not to leave a gap as big as Blake made, overlap the two ends of the scarf and tie them with a belt. Have to make Blair's headband, attach the tips of the scarf with a little knot or a bow tie, this will make her look more feminine!